Farm and Data Collaborator

Hello GOAT and RFC team!

We are a small farm located in Baja California, Mexico. We acquired the Bionutrient meter recently and we’re still trying to understand how it works. We know RFC team are still improving the product, but we still have some questions:

  1. What does the graph i get after the measurement mean? We still can’t know which milk is more nutritious.
  2. How can we become farm and data collaborators? we really want to participate and learn as much as we can in order to improve our management practices.

Thank you guys!!
Let me know how can we send samples to your lab, please.

Hi --> answers!

  1. What does the graph i get after the measurement mean? We still can’t know which milk is more nutritious.

–> Yes, you will not get nutrition information. The best explanation is here: . The short answer is this device will help us efficiently identify where and when we should focus to calibrate this or similar instruments in the future. Remember… it’s a process :slight_smile: .
–> The graph is how much light at each wavelength (there are 10 wavelengths, marked on the X axis) is reflected back at the sample. Red objects should have peaks in the red (600 - 650nm). Blue objects should have peaks in the blue (400 - 450nm).

  1. How can we become farm and data collaborators? we really want to participate and learn as much as we can in order to improve our management practices.

–> In terms of using the tool, right now the best way to contribute is to run those 3 projects in the workbook (milk, fruit, and soil). If you feel you can be creative and design your own experiments or build your own correlations from spectral data to ag data (nutritional data or other things) that’d be awesome as well! We’re happy to always help you walk through that process.

–> Outside of the tool, we’re days away from initiating the Data Partners program, where collaborators will be collecting physical food and soil samples from all over the country. That doesn’t use the tool, but it does build the database that calibrates the tool which is in many ways the hard part. So feel free to ping me with your email address, and I’ll shoot you an email regarding that program. Or keep up to date at

–> the Farm Partners program has already started, and we have 50+ farms already signed up (yay!). We’ve been swamped but should have announced this more, sorry. This program is already underway, so it’d be hard to join at this point, but for the Data Partners program you’re just in time.

I hope that helps!

Hello, thanks for the quick answer ! :slight_smile:

1.- Got it! thanks.

->We would love to design our experiments and build our correlations from spectral data to ag data … we will need some advices if it’s not a problem.
->Yes, we want to be part of the Data Partners program. My email is: . I’ll try to keep my self updated with the RFC lab page.

Tell us if you need more help,
Thank you!

No prob - just post your ideas / thoughts / questions here, ideally if you ask good questions then we help answer good questions for everyone.

We can also do a call at some point if needed as well. You’re on the list!

Hi, just wondering if the worksheet is available on line as a pdf somewhere? (apologies for doing this in a reply; silly to say, and I haven’t figured out how to start a new question ;-D)

@DanT has done some intros on how to get started creating surveys. The survey tool is pretty easy to use, but there are annoying quirks that we’re trying to get rid of but still exist.

But here’s all our documentation:
On the right hand side, I’d suggest reading through the General Section, which includes creating a form, talks about anonymizing questions, conditions statements, etc. That’ll give you a sense of how to create your own experiment.

You can also try out other people’s surveys on the Our Scikit App, to see what others do and copy them!

Get started there, and follow up with questions and we’ll help you out!