2024.05.15 GOAT Community Call

GOAT Monthly Community Call, May 2024

Date: May 15, 2024
Time: 9am PT, 12pm ET
Meeting Link: Social Co-op GOAT Gatherings room .
Calendar: Calendar – GOAT


  1. Needs Assessment report by @semra
  2. GOAT Book Club: Session 1 on Sat, May 18
  3. Quick check on upcoming conferences & GOAT box


Attendees: Juliet, Jamie, Anna, River, Semra, Vic, Elizabeth

Needs assessment

Presented by Semra (see slide deck)

  • Assessment based on interveiws/convos w/ ppl, observation, and existing materials

    • Started 5wks ago

    • Just a subjective view as an outsider

  • “How to define GOAT to someone who doesn’t know what it is?”

    • Generated word cloud from responses to that

    • Then created a 2-3 sentence definition based on all that

    • Compare GOAT Manifesto, 11th Hour Grant Narrative, website

    • TL;DR: GOAT is a lot of things

  • But what keeps it together?

    • The Intangibles (the foundation, eg, sense of community, shared values, etc) and the Tangibles (the glue, eg, conferences, community calls, etc)

    • So what’s working?

      • flexible, open
    • What’s not working?

      • ambiguous identity, inconsistency, unspoken
  • Goals for what we want do w/ 11th Hour support, 2 big buckets (see slides for list)

    • Governance & Stewardship

    • Strategic plainning and a guiding vision

  • Other goals identified outside of those stated goals, 2 main areas:

    • Funding, duh

    • Making GOAT inclusive & accessible (lots of good prompts here listed in slides)

      • Recruitment needs dedicated attention
  • One more goal: CLEAN UP!

    • Google Drive mostly, but also many things that need to be created/collected

So what’s missing?

  • Juliet: not much, what resonates most is having a point person to give attention to recruting and onboarding

  • Vic: Special thing we don’t want to lose, GOAT has old skool interweb vibes

  • Juliet: created a Discord but never invited anyone, lol

  • Juliet: how we decide to communicate becomes culture

  • Semra: one critical conversation we need to have: how does GOAT communicate w/ growers?

  • Semra: the GOAT box is for bringing GOAT to farmers, and that’s what we need to do more of (in other forms)

  • Elizabeth: looking at other groups, GOAT is a lot of “do-ers,” which really makes us special

  • Elizabeth: FarmHack now has dedicated person to lift up farmer engagement

  • Elizabeth: rundown of CAFF, including the Innovation Challenge, Small Farm Tech Expo where GOAT tabled

Juliet: ways that we can bring partners like CAFF, Paicines

  • Juliet: interfacing w/ farmers/producers, the GOAT box is great, even though a lot of stuff is research based, it’s stuff farmers can connect with and gets their attention

  • Jamie: we need to create that space for farmers before we invite teh farmers. Right now there isn’t a lot of space to get nerdy about programming languages and cultivaters, for examples.

Moving forward: focus on the conference and find opportuntiies to address some of these areas for needed improvement.

Upcoming conferences

Juliet: What confs are ppl attending in near future, or interested in? But first! Semra will give updates on GOAT 2024

Semra: working out deets for Paicines as venue, food cost is a potential issue (~$50k), going to reach out again

Check in with Lakisha Odum for potential funding leads.

Jamie: Lakisha mentioned the No Regrets Foundation (fun name) who maybe has collaborated w/ Paicines before and might be inclined to donate for grassroots ag community stuff. I promised her a blurb about GOAT so she can pass it along.

Can we really do mid September?

Paicines has the week of Nov 3rd open

Sorry I couldn’t make the call today - is there a link to the needs assessment slide deck cc @semra ?

This would be great - assuming it is the same group, the #NoRegrets Initiative helped bring GOAT to EcoFarm in 2023. So they should have a general idea who we are :slight_smile:

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Here are the slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kt6eff7qehDgNP5DbYG8xE_LcgUUkAqckJ85aiBbAq8/edit#slide=id.g2713304e314_0_209