So I put together a provisional reading list for a bi-weekly or some other periodic schedule that works for the most people interested. Aiming for 30 (+/- 15) min worth of reading per session for all the items, but with not expectation that everyone reads every item each session. That’s one of the nicest thing about doing this as a group, imo, collective knowledge!
It’s all still a work in progress. I’m adding links to the reading materials. I should be able to make them all available to any and all interested. And I can put it up as a fresh new topic once we have some degree of consensus.
The GOAT Book Club, Reading List (vol. 1)
Session 1: Networks, Peers & the Virtual Class
- Yochai Benkler, Chapter 3, “Peer Production and Sharing,” from Wealth of Networks
- Richard Barbrook & Andy Cameron, “The Californian Ideology”
- M. Bauwens, et al., Peer to Peer: The Commons Manifesto
Session 2: The Commons
- Elinor Ostrom, Governing the Commons (Ch. 1 and/or 6)
- David Bollier, sections from The Commoner’s Catalog
- Silvia Federici, “Commons against and beyond capitalism” (2014), also published in Re-enchanting the World
Session 3: Technology, Society & Nature
- Langdon Winner, “Do Artifacts Have Politics?” (orig. 1986 essay or Ch. 2 of Whale & Reactor)
- Murray Bookchin, “Two Images of Technology” (Ch. 9 of Ecology of Freedom)
- Morgan Klaus Scheuerman, “Do Datasets Have Politics?”
- Dylan Baker, “Datasets Have Worldviews”
Session 4: AgTech & Colonialism
- Vandana Shiva, sections from Biopiracy
- La Via Campesina, “Autonomy in the face of AgTech”
- Anya Thomas, “Indigenous knowledge is not an extractable resource”
Session 5: Food Wars
- Walden Bello, sections from The Food Wars
- Jose Vivero Pol, “Why Food Should be a Commons Not a Commodity”
- ETC Group, “Food Barons” report from 2022
Session 6: Post-Open Source
- boringcactus, “Post-Open Source”
- Dmytri Kleiner, The Telekomunnist Manifesto
- Licensing alternatives (just to browse)
- Peer Production License (Copyfair)
- Cross License Collaboratives
- dbad license
- French article on the CoopyLeft license by CoopCycle