The time is upon us for folks to officially sign up for their demos. If you’re bringing a demo, i.e., something interactive or engaging, including hardware, software, methods, and posters, we need to know the following information:
Demo title
Demo topic or description (2-3 sentences)
Demo type (poster, hardware, software, method, etc)
Presenter names
Your intended audience
Materials and resources you will bring
Materials and resources you will need (e.g., table, chairs, internet, etc).
Respond here to sign up! Last minute demos are also welcome, but if you need materials and resources it is best to sign up ahead of time!
Is this where we sign up?
Demo title: CA Farm Demonstration Network website and OpenTEAM integration
Demo topic: The CA Farm Demonstration Network (CFDN) is a project administered by the CA Association of Resource Conservation District Ag and Watersheds Program (which is an OpenTEAM Pilot Hub), and is a partnership among 6 major entities in CA. The network has had many twists and turns in its development but one recent product is the CFDN WordPress website that is structured to accept csv exports from Survey Stack. This demo will show the website, the custom fields that had to be coded into our survey in SS for ingesting into WP, and explore both the larger context of this use case and the planned integration with the OpenTEAM suite of applications.
Presenter name: JT Wood, CARCD Soil Scientist/Soil Health Systems Specialist
Intended audience: Anyone interested in or grappling with tools to help grower and grower support networks.
Materials bringing: laptop and live internet sites
Materials needed: projector/screen and white board or butcher paper.
**1. Demo title:**
**2. Demo topic or description (2-3 sentences):**
**3. Demo type (poster, hardware, software, method, etc):**
**4. Presenter names:**
**5. Your intended audience:**
**6. Materials and resources you will bring:**
**7. Materials and resources you will need (e.g., table, chairs, internet, etc):**
1. Demo title: AgriAdapt 2. Demo topic or description (2-3 sentences): Using data to help agricultural supply chains plan for climate change. 3. Demo type (poster, hardware, software, method, etc): Laptop 4. Presenter names: Chris Rowe 5. Your intended audience: Anyone interested in helping thing about how to help agricultural supply chains to continue to operate effectively in the face of disruptions driven by climate change. I am particularly interested in working with people building tools that this kind of data could be integrated with. 6. Materials and resources you will bring: Me, Myself, and a laptop. 7. Materials and resources you will need (e.g., table, chairs, internet, etc): none.
I actually wouldn’t really need a projector, we could just gather around my laptop or I could maybe borrow 1 or 2 other laptops for people to gather around.
Demo topic or description (2-3 sentences): Regen Network would like to do a demo using laptops. A table and power would be great.
Demo type (poster, hardware, software, method, etc): Laptop and poster
Presenter names: Cory Levinson
Your intended audience: Anyone interested in buying and selling carbon (and other environmental credits) and also people interested in how we leverage blockchain technology
Materials and resources you will bring: Myself, laptop and poster with stand
Materials and resources you will need (e.g., table, chairs, internet, etc): Table, internet, power for laptop
1. Demo title: computer vision solutions for precision ag 2. Demo topic or description (2-3 sentences): From the field to the database (wifi permiting), a walk through the data aquisition process using two different systems for two different applications. I’ll show the custom apps, the cameras and how the data is uploaded and how it looks in our database. 3. Demo type (poster, hardware, software, method, etc): mainly hardware 4. Presenter names: Maria Laura Cangiano 5. Your intended audience: anyone who is interested 6. Materials and resources you will bring: two cameras, a tablet and a laptop. 7. Materials and resources you will need (e.g., table, chairs, internet, etc): internet, a tabke and a chair. An slightly bigger monitor or the projector would be nice but I can show things on my laptop if that’s not an option
1. Demo title: SoilStack app for supporting in-field sample collection 2. Demo topic or description (2-3 sentences): SoilStack helps to determine where to collect soil samples and helps samplers navigate to pre-determined locations in the field and captures important sampling metadata (timestamp, GPS location, sample bag ID’s) 3. Demo type (poster, hardware, software, method, etc): software 4. Presenter names: Dan TerAvest, Joel McClure 5. Your intended audience: Anyone who does in-field sampling at pre-determined locations 6. Materials and resources you will bring: Myself and a phone 7. Materials and resources you will need (e.g., table, chairs, internet, etc): none