Farm Hack revival update

It’s been a few months since I introduced myself as the new Farm Hack Fellow, and I wanted to come by with some updates.

A high priority of mine has been to manage an update to the Farm Hack website. That is still in progress. There are some things I’m doing behind the scenes, and I have ideas for the future of the website. I’ll make a separate post soon to go into more details and get any feedback.

But in the meantime, I wanted to share some other news and updates.

I’ve started a blog and an Instagram page. Both are still a bit sparse, but there is more on the way. I will be putting together lists of resources and examples on relevant topics, like solar power, hydro power, greenhouse design, tractor manuals, etc, plus other updates.

There are three events on the calendar, and some more in the works.

June 22 I will be at the Maine Farm and Homestead Day in Unity, ME at the MOFGA Fairgrounds, hosting an introduction to hand tools. It will be pretty open-ended, with tools and materials, and the space to ask questions, experiment, or to try making something.

July 20 I will be hosting a workshop to build a garden cart out of an EMT conduit frame and bicycle wheels at the Greenhorns headquarters in Pembroke, ME.

September 20-22 I will be doing the same introduction to hand tools workshop at the Common Ground Country Fair in Unity, ME at the MOFGA Fairgrounds.

Further events are TBD, but I’d like to do something in early November in Massachusetts (or nearby). One idea I have is a workshop about designing and building a small solar system for your farm, like for an electric fence, water bubbler, greenhouse fan, etc.

I’d love to hear any questions or comments. I have a couple more posts on the way to go into more detail on some things, but I wanted to put this update out there.

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