FHUK @ Organic Growers Gathering

The OGG are very keen to have a larger Farm Hack presence back at the festival this year.

The gathering is 22-24th August, at Hempen, on the Hardwick estate. The dame estate that hosted the 2019 Thames Valley hack & the Hardwick Hack a couple of years later.

This is a call out for facilitators, organisers & potential hacks that want to build. Let’s help this awesome event back to it’s roots!

Tag @CMaughan


I might be up for doing something, not sure what yet.

Could maybe bring a few of these and borrow a 3d printer from someone to make up the cases? Lora Temperature/ Humidity/ Soil Moisture Sensor V3 | Makerfabs

Stretch goal of getting Meshtastic running on them

Nice! Sounds like a great progression from the watering system we worked on previously. I’ve reached out to Nicco, I think he’d really enjoy collaborating on something like this.

Hi, I am thinking about coming.

Personally, I like everything from web, desktop, Linux, embedded and hardware.
An idea is to work on can a solution for growers: Managing their watering system (from last year) in a calendar, displaying it with https://open-web-calendar.quelltext.eu/ and automating it with an IoT platform.

But also: Can we have actual clients present that need a hack/something that does the trick for them and generates value?

I am working on getting the Maslow CNC

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Yep, up for being involved too. Once we see the level of interest maybe we can have a quick meeting to work out our approach?

Hi Chris and everyone, happy to get involved too. Will suss out if any of my farmer connections would be interested in organising or participating in making something.