Is this space active?

I’m new to this, and found GOAT via FarmHack via pinterest. Has all ‘farmhack’ discussion moved to the GOAT thread? Does the conversation wax and wane with the North American growing season because members are busy? I was very excited to find this, but it seems pretty dead. Could someone direct me to the action? Haha


Hey Steeves! This group is pretty active. OpenTeam is doing lots of work too. We’re going to be having in-person events next year. What region are you in? We’re hosting some small farm tech events in CA.



@mstenta @jgaehring Are either of you able to give @Steeves a status update on Farm Hack

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I can’t speak to the overall status of Farm Hack myself - it’s largely a distributed/decentralized group - anyone can start their own regional groups or publish plans to the tools they build. @Steeves you can start something up yourself too! Be the change you want to see in the world! :slight_smile: