New Open Call from OpenAgri!

Just saw this, got an email to the GOAT email about it and it came out today:

We (Our Sci) are definitely interested in it and probably will be applying, but I’d love to see lots of GOATs in the mix!


I’d be interested in collaborating on any proposals for this.

Looks like the requirements are that there are 2 organizations involved in any proposal:

  • a tech provider (they call them ADS’)
  • a farm organization

And reading their Applicants Guide in more detail, it looks like they have a requirement for projects to integrate with OpenAgri’s semantic data model:
“All new ADSs are expected follow interoperability standards, adopt the OpenAgri CommonSemantic Model for data exchange with the provided OS services.”

The data model they are speaking about is an RDF based OWL ontology. So this could be a great opportunity for some GOAT community projects to get funding to port some of our existing data work to an RDF model and align with existing agri/food ontologies.

I know the deadline for this is coming up fast, so if any GOATers are working on an application for this and want some support in detailing out the interoperability work, please let me know!

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