Sample submission process flow: a love story

Ok, it’s not a love story but it sounds a lot more exciting if it was… Here we go, we have 2 types of people who submit samples:

RFC Partners - these people will be collecting data through the app, and are trained on sample data collection. They will be sending 6 or more samples at a time. RFC partners will probably already have sample shippings boxes w/ return labels.

Paying customers - these people will be filling out a paper survey (identical to the app, but in paper form) and submitting the samples. Paying customers will need to request sample containers + return labels.

  1. Customer will choose the # of samples they want to submit through the website. Price per sample drops a lot with more samples, as more samples increases the value of the data to the survey and reduces our per sample overhead.
  2. Customer enters shipping information, credit card information, and is charged $10 per sample up front to cover the cost of shipping the boxes to them + return labels. A new account is created in the process if they didn’t have one.
  3. Boxes are immediately shipped to the customer.
  4. Customer fills out paper form, or completes form on the app. The unique ID for each sample is a QR or barcode inside the box, associated with each of the sample collection containers. Customer can indicate that they want to anonomyze information at this point.
  5. Customer applies return address to box and ships package to lab within the next day.
  6. Lab person gets box, checks that contents are in tact and in decent shape. If so, they charge the remaining $x to begin processing the sample. If not, they email the customers and tell them the problem. We need to figure out how to do this from an accounting perspective
  7. Lab person runs lab procedure on samples, enters data into system.
  8. Once complete, they assign admin rights to the data to the customer, create a dashboard link, and emails the customer (or the system emails the customer) the link and a PDF or PNG of their results.
  9. The sample box is cleaned, new QR codes are applied, and it is ready to be shipped to another customer.

Note that the lab survey and sample survey are different surveys. They can be connected when visualizing the data via the unique sample ID which is the QR code.

Anonomyzation is a hard opt-out. They can specify that they want to anonomyze when submitting the data. Once submitted, they would need to email to change already submitted data to be anonomyzed. This is because researchers may be depending on that data and switching it could negatively affect work being done within the survey.

What is anonomyzed?

  • GPS up to state/county level
  • username of person who submitted
  • identifying name of stores or farms which were sources of samples