Session: Data Policy

Data Policy


  • Create consumer trust in ag / ecological policy
  • What are the system level blockers to shared data policy
  • Granular permissions and control over your own data

Questions / outcomes:

  • No one wants to self-host data. No one trusts the cloud. How to reconcile?
  • How to get consent for data sharing?
  • Collective statements or letter to government figures regarding fair standards. How and when should data be open source? How to quantify the costs of duplication of efforts?
  • How to bridge the concept of tech sovereignty into shareable standards?
  • Need for common terms and development of accessible language
  • What issues are we all facing?
  • Which policies? GOAT? National policy?

What do shareable legal agreements look like? OpenTeam is actively working on this problem. It’s a designed to be a modular template decoupled from their tech stack.

Ag data transparent is a US based standard. GDPR is EU. Digital locker in India. Fair principles and care principles are existing work to draw from. Definition of GDPR protections. It’s a good example of a set of laws that no one really understands beyond the “click here to accept cookies.”

Creative Commons created a symbol and human readable summaries of various licenses.

What does “feeling safe” entail?

Many solutions put too much responsibility on the end user, who aren’t qualified to interpret the implications of data policies.

Government policies vs corporate policies. 1619 protects ag data in the US. It’s also made it hard for farmers to access even their own data.

India’s Digital Locker policies are progressive. All user data is sovereign.

Data is considered a “fact,” rather than IP. We talk about who is owning this thing that isn’t really own-able at all. Maybe we should think of it more as water rights. Should we think more about the collective ownership of software and hardware, rather than data?

Is their an opportunity to help the USDA with its data sharing policies?