Session: Designing for ALL farmers

Designing for ALL farmers

Refer google doc here for photos from the white board exercise

Prateek and Steve from AXILab,Purdue team
Laurie from Open Food Network
Jeff Piestrack from Prosocial
Kype from Open Sensory
Anna from OpenTeam

How might we….< a challenge in representing user needs in design of Agtech>?
User research methods mapping
Persona development

Types of emerging challenges:
How do we design for new and beginning farmers? (e.g., access to broadband, translation issue of GIS)
How do we design for physical disabilities and those that are neurodivergent? Design so that tools are invisible and make it so user centered that it appears
How do we design for the most marginalized? (women, illiterate, landless)? Not just in user design but also whose data are we collecting and who is owning it (head of the household who are men or women as well?)
How do we design for farmers with limited technical competence?
How can we design for farmers not having time? Can we use proxies?

Key themes:

Persona; Sarita in India
She is landless and a harvest workers. Has a phone with limited data.
She has two children

Suggested methods to collect Sarita’s needs:
Secondary research about her contect and similar farmers
Reaching out to extension agencies
Observation and contextual inquiry/ Ethnographies
Photo mapping
Particpatory research
Power mapping

Challenges related to these methods:
Personal interests in the case of intermediaries
Time constraints
Lose insights at the place of data collection

Methods to internally communicate to designers:
User mappings
1:1 verbally

What we recommend as the suggested method:
Find right person for power mapping and if possible observations

How will we go about doing this power mapping?
Ensure that we have the right local organization
Ensure designers are from localized contexts
Try to make sure data doesn’t have to travel across multiple folk - i.e. org to FLWs to farmers…