Internet of Things
**Summary of things that people are working on: **
Open source versions of closed source sensor platforms
Carbon removal credits
Blockchain network for decentralization of data
Soil carbon
Crop monitoring using off-the-shelf moisture and temperature sensors
Dairy, mushroom farming
Sensing systems and monitoring systems (radios, cellular, streamed to internet)
Co-deploying lower cost IoT systems with scientific grade equipment
Tractor based monitoring, in-field long-term monitoring
Water quality and quantity monitoring
Research applications
**Topics and Applications people are interested in: **
Including uncertainty in data, data management, metadata (tagging from the beginning with provenance etc)
Sharing of data
Building, deploying, maintaining, on farm IoT,
Human-machine interaction
Weather stations
Open source versions of closed source sensor platforms
Reducing “choppiness” of data streams, putting data streams put on the cloud, automation of modeling of data streams
Interoperability of hardware and software
Use cases of what the data is to know where it could be useful
Documentation of why a particular IoT sensor is selected and used (why and how), creation of modules for sensors has downstream implications, understand the decision-making process between that
On-the-fly processing of field data
Decentralization of data
Efficient irrigation (irrigation scheduling methods)
Sensors that can be deployed in remote areas and left alone for a long time
Human adaptation/ human connection to sensed data on farms
Data visualization that draws inferences from separately collected data (JSON, Elastic search), standardized communication language for IoT devices through an API
Field deployment of IoT: networked, weatherization, power resilience
Rapid on-boarding and off-boarding of devices onto IoT grids, moving quickly from a prototyping phase onto a product
Calibration, validation, scaling
Building stuff for researchers versus farmers (markets, quality of data)
Aaron’s talk: An architecture for real-time data exchange (
IoT Topic One: Calibration and validation towards scale
Defining the topic:
How do we merge field sensor data and lab based protocols? On-boarding lower cost devices
Metadata around the process
Transparency of process
Data versus analytics
Measuring one thing by proxy of another
Building a low-cost version of an existing sensor
Building a training set
We also need data about protocols - how we got the data, in addition to the data itself
High levels of certainty are necessary for some applications but not others. How do we estimate uncertainty and error?
Action Items
Developing a standard for determining error ranges for field deployment of sensors
Figure out whether it is a data problem or a hardware problem. Opportunity: we can solve a lot with data methods now. It is not always a hardware issue. (Or sometimes it is an operator error issue.)
Look at guidance documents for EPA requirements for model year of each monitor, date of install, have to get it inspected once a year
Levels of error and uncertainty
Comparing sensors to other sensors - borrowing from medical equipment validation protocols, but does not have to be AS stringent
Many different standards for, say, weather station siting and all the data produced then comes with the assumption that it has been sited in an ideal space
Metadata Protocols: Software enforced or checklist?
********* **W3C Sensor Network Ontology can be one way to describe properties of sensors, data and how it was collected **(
Example: Tree Height (
Reviewed 20 previous efforts to get to the current state
Error ranges can be relative to itself
Suggestion: Open source label or standard that has similar reputational cache as “Cambridge Scientific” manufactured items?
- OH Grade Level - whether it has been calibrated with scientific-grade equipment\
Flex-down: self-awareness, self-assignment in the mode of Creative Commons
Suggestion: Working group process for creating an open standard
Will this actually be adopted or useful?
Jack Chiu: Developing a wireless sensor network to monitor water levels in rice paddies
Irrigation management to improve water use efficiency
Production scale (400+ acres up into the thousands of acres, or in different cities)
Started off trying to build low-cost, but it wasted a lot of time. Started of deploying low-cost sensor and testing it against a calibrated, scientific grade sensor.
Ruggardization and field repairable
Had to figure it out himself, got help from Dr. Ken Fisher
Reverse engineering what was already out there from proprietary
Conformal coating on circuit boards helps in humid environments
Dessicant packs
NEMA ratingsare important for outdoor ruggedness: weather-sealed boxes to handle UV, seals that handle water splashing or pressurized water against the box
Panel mount connector that is completely weather sealed, modularity
Check for corrosion, visual inspection of devices and then determine if that is affecting the equipment and data output
Had to estimate the new error range and uncertainty when field deployment because the manufacturer error ranges were based on lab conditions
Scale-deploying: 80 units, development of building systems to deploy within 2 months
Ken Fisher: Tractor based monitoring system of plant height and canopy temperature
Ultrasonic monitoring works great in the lab but in the field, you can get a very accurate reading but you’re not sure what you are measuring in terms of canopy height. With a yardstick - do you pick the highest leaf or estimate the average height
Are you measuring what you want to measure? What are you actually measuring?
Interested mainly in relative differences
Greg Austic: Survey data on carrots, spinach, dirt
Working group creates the methods, Greg’s lab implements the methods
Can we standardize a way of labeling methods: include error range and how it is calculated etc.
IoT subsection: devices for real farmers
Notes by Jane Wyngaard
Deploying practical systems for actual production farms
- Guarantee ruggedness
- Guarantee uptime
- Onboarding thousands people/nodes
- Low costs
- Needs ot do edge compute
- Must be decentralised
- Data points (alerts) via text
- Lots ofbinary sensors: PLC on or Off
- Scale measurements
- Time spec: doesn't have to be real time often but
- Need aggregation of data at node
- Price point...
- Aftermarket tractor sensors systems are ~$500-1000k
- Googles et al are not solving this problem with the NEST etc
- Too much bandwidth required
- Eg camera monitoring
- OTS stuff is too outdated and not robust enough and TOO EXPENSIVE
- No VC for this
- DIY/hackerspace stuff completely unsuitable for hot moist areas
- Massive regulatory overhead for a small maker to get a product to production level - possibly less so in Ag than other domains?
- Alot of currently available commercial IoT ecosystems are gimmicks
Funding models?
- Researchers create farm grade system in exchange for data?
- Big Ag instead of funding lobbiests?
- Wealthy farmer?
- Big Ag conglomerates would fund build X system for their needs? Eg Famers business network was farmer funded originally
- Open means everyone who needs the data gets it
- USDA funding would have teeth
- Funding in exchange for open data?
- A model: hardware integration as a service
- Can high school soldering club do the manufacturing for a system?
- Entrepreneurship training
- build experience
- business experience
- QC?
- Would avoid alot of the regulatory challenges
- Partnership with Research
- 4H clubs, Future Farmers of America
- Not a good model for a real bussiness?
- Build a open kit with full instructions that a high schooler can follow - then anyone with no experience can follow
- Research should be commensurate to anything: could they provide the gear in exchange for data
- Conductive grease solves many things
- LOW cellular data rate for LOW price $2/2M/month available
To dos/A way forward
- could we create a workshop (Agathon) on IoT ecosystem for Ag?
- EPSCOR events maybe for funding such?
- An advisory group of big famrers to outline what the system would actually contain?
- How to bring in the real world voice of the farmer into discussions - can we go to a conference they will attend?