Discussions around the Our Sci platform, including the database, web, mobile, and hardware components.
The Our Sci platform is a flexible way to collect survey, sensor, and API data and deliver complex results to users in real time, online or offline. It uses Open Data Kit libraries for the survey data collection, and sensor data is collected using Serial communication of USB On The Go or Bluetooth. Users can create surveys and build scripts in Javascript to deliver real-time results, integrating information on the phone.
Hello World example: https://gitlab.com/our-sci/measurement-scripts/tree/master/hello-world
Android App Source: forthcoming
Webserver Source: https://gitlab.com/our-sci/webserver
Things to talk about -->
- New features as they come out
- Post questions about platform
- Troubleshooting installation or use
- Application questions, feature requests, etc.
Also - be nice! Link to Code of Conduct