The Swag Shop is almost done and you will be able to buy a properly-sized an amazing union made GOAT t-shirt for yourself or your (adult-sized) friends! Remember the fun design?
We also get to offer one other thing:
a trucker-type hat (a nice one in black with white mesh) with the Prateek/Rachel design from the shirts,
a coffee cup with the design on one side and some words on the other side (or a different picture).
Both Tshirts and cups are $19.99, fulfilled by Worx Printing Collective. Please vote your option below and reply to this message with your suggestions for the writing/additional picture part on the mug if you think a mug is better than a hat. Please vote/suggest by May 29!
Black Trucker Hat with Fun Shirt Design
White Coffee Cup with Fun design PLUS words I suggest below
White Coffee Cup with Fun Design PLUS picture I provide below
None of the above, I already got a GOAT tattoo
None of the above, I have a different design idea below
I voted for the trucker hat, but I’d like to see it with the smaller text moved or removed, b/c I imagine it won’t work as well at that scale as it does on the t-shirt.
Also kinda curious, what are the hat’s mesh color options?
hI @jgaehring, I bet we could ask Rachel to make a “splat-only” design without text at the bottom. Here are the hat options for the swag store. If there is a combo you love, definitely advocate for that!
For now it’s just tshirts (unisex and “femme” varieties) but if anynnody feels compelled to drive hats or mugs home and get them on the site, please contact me! Here’s our shop!