West Coast (or Western North America) GOAT

Hello GOATS,

I’m (@julietnpn) co-opting the top of this thread to say: WESTERN GOAT 2023 is coming soon!

Scroll down for deets.

There are several West Coast-ish GOATs here at the 2022 conference (and some more who are not here) who would love to think about organizing a regional gathering. Maybe reply to this thread if that might describe you, and let’s get that going!

It’s okay to wait til after the conference to start planning and organizing if you need to - we can follow the advice from a book in the Ram Dass Library and Be Here Now. This can just be one way to express your interest.


One of the mountain west people interested! It seems like a lot of us could converge around the Great Basin, but particularly cool to hear about possible, specific locations (including GOATers farms/properties) !

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Hi all! Stealing an idea from the NE GOAT thread: West Coast (or Western N.A.) GOAT — Felt

We can all add our personal locations here (with a :goat:) and ideas for locations (with a :deciduous_tree:)

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@anna I put mine on the map. Is there a way to see a list of pins so we can hop from pin to pin and not zoom all the way out?

Hi Western GOATS!

@ElizabethVaughan, @anna, @laurieWayne, @kylebirchard, @paul121, @AmberS, @clevinson, @wgardiner, @todrobbins, @samuejao, @kcussen, @river, @tibetsprague (please tag people i missed)

CAFF has invited us to do a co-located event with their Small Farm Tech Expo in Madera Community College (just outside of Fresno, CA) on March 1, 2024.

We need 1-2 organizers to step up. Ideally these organizers are not folks who are planning on supporting organization efforts of “mega” GOAT 2024 outside of attending. Since GOAT 2024 is happening this fall, we don’t want to pull from those resources.

We also want the western GOATs to collectively decide what sort of event this should look like. Should it be a hackathon? An unconference? Should it actually happen during the Small Farm Tech Expo or the day before/after?

I’d like to invite the discussion to start here and culminate in a meeting of the minds sometime in the next four weeks. Here is a when2meet for that meeting of the minds.

On that note, I’m a mega GOAT herder, so I’m leaving this in the hands of those tagged here to pick up the torch. I’m excited to participate as an attendee. :slight_smile:

If you’re hesitant on participating especially in a leadership role because of monetary barriers, please note that CAFF does have a small pool of money (I believe $4500) to help with stipends, travel, hotel, mileage, etc.


Any update on a meeting time? :slight_smile:

I just popped into the When2Meet and it looks like the soonest time most of us have available is Wednesday, January 10th at 4pm PT.
I can send out an invite for that time to those who have responded to the When2Meet (@paul121 @kylebirchard @anna @ElizabethVaughan @julietnpn). If anyone else would like to join just let me know and I will forward you the invite.

I will be at the meeting I think, and I am looking forwards to the CFSC!! Yay!